Thursday 25 December 2008

Twas the Night Before Christmas

Twas the Night before Christmas, and all through the Camp
Not a creature was stirring, not even a cub Scout; 
Our backpacks were hung by the campfire with care,
In hopes that St. nick soon would be there;
The scouts were nestled in their sleeping bags so warm
Visions of smores and Dutch Ovens danced in their heads;
When outside of their tents there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bag to see what was the matter.
Away to the door i flew like a flash, 
Tore open the window and threw up the flap.
The moon beams danced on the new fallen snow.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
Is that the Scoutmaster doing a bed check, No?
Is that a bear or critter looking for food, NO?
I called to my buddy "Wake up", "You have to see this,"
We looked closely and what did we see,
A miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindder,
Do we really see a sleigh and reindeer
or did we have one to many smores,
We could hear the prancing and pawing of each hoof.
In the sleight was a little old driver,
We knew in a moment it must be St Nick.
He was dressed in a Boy Scout Uniform from his head to his feet,
And we could see he was an Eagle Scout by the Pin he did wear,
His eyes how theytwinkled, as they surveyed the camp,
Your fires out cold and you've left not a trace,
you're the Pride of the Council, Your very GOOD SCOUTS.
A bundle of Scout equipment he hand flung on his back,
And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack.
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
He filled all our Backpacks with Goodies and Stuff.
He heard loud snoring and went over to see,
It was just the Scoutmaster snoring like a train,
With a wave of his hand the snoring did change,
Now it was Christmas carols not a freight train.
Oh how St Nick did laugh and laugh, 
His belly did jiggle like a bowl full of jelly.
We tried to be quiet but we let out a laugh.
He looked straight at us and then winked his eye,
He flew to his sleight in one giant leap.
He then whistled, and shouted, and called out their names;
Now Dasher! Now Dancer! Now Prancer and Vixen!
On Comet! On cupid, on Donder, and Blitizen!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!
I heard him exclaim, as he drove out of sight,
"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good-night"

Yours in Scouting Service 
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616

Wednesday 24 December 2008

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas or happy Holidays whichever you prefer. Please as you go through the rest of the nigth and christmas day please remember what the true spirit of christmas is.

Yours In Scouting Service
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616

BSA Health Form

Hopefully your holiday is going great but Scouting for certain individuals never stops and will continue through the holiday Season. As this is the case, National Council of the Boy Scouts of America has released a New Health Form which will replace the under 40 standard health form, the over 40 standard health form, high adventure health forms, the National Jamboree Health form and hopefully even the World jamboree Health form. There will no longer be a age requirement for the physical mean, that all scouts and scouters will have to get a physical on a annual basis. The only way to get around this is to file for a medical exemption. That new form has not be posted yet but should be posted very shortly.

Here are some of the other important details regarding the form:
  • Parts A and C are to be filled out annually by youth and adult members of all BSA units (including Cub Scout packs).
  • Part B is to be filled out by a licensed health care provider. It is required for resident camp, for events lasting more than 72 hours, and for activities that are strenuous and demanding such as service projects, work weekends, or high-adventure treks.
  • Units are encouraged to keep the Annual Health and Medical Records in a confidential medical file for quick access in an emergency and to be prepared for all adventures.
  • There is now a mandatory weight limit for those who want to participate in high-adventure activities or events that would require more than 30 minutes for evacuation by ground transportation
Hopefully all of this makes sense if not you can contact your councils Health and Safety Committeee or try to get ahold of the National health and Safety COmmittee.

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616

Tuesday 23 December 2008

Stocking Stuffers

If your family member is an outdoorsman (or woman) and you don’t know what to put in their stocking, let me help you. Several of the items were on my post the other night about things to consider for winter camp: chap stick, hand warmers, gloves, small flashlights, etc… Here are a few more:

  • Carabiners; whether they climb or not, you can always use it for something
  • Headlamp
  • Leatherman’s tool
  • Gift Cards to REI or Academy or an eGift Card to Moosejaw
  • Travel sized toiletries
  • Travel sized sun screen
  • Compass and pedometer so they can measure their hikes
  • GPS (to go with a Geocaching book that would look great under the tree)
  • Map to a hike the family will go on together
  • Harmonica (for around the campfire)
  • Pocket knife / Swiss Army Knife
  • Fishing lures - granted… wrapped very well, say, in bubble wrap
  • Backpacker’s Trowel… they’ll know what its for
  • Glow Sticks
  • Memory Card for their digital camera
  • Pocket First Aid Kit
  • VERY IMPORTANT!!!!! Foam Ear Plugs; if you’ve never camped with a group, you just won’t understand

I’m sure you’re getting ideas of your own just reading the list. Don’t just supply your outdoors person with fun things to use outdoors. Go use them with them!

Borrowed from Lone Star Scouter.

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616

Monday 22 December 2008

The Game of Scouting- Part Two

It's How You Play The Game

Imagine what football would be like if all of the effort involved in the game was focused solely on the aims of the game, with no regard to how the rules expect the game to be played, or what is allowed or not allowed. Some would point to Australian Rules football, or Rugby. Both of these sports, however, still have rules that must be followed. No, football would resemble warfare if the only focus was on scoring points and keeping your opponent from scoring them. Now imagine what Scouting would be like if all of our focus was on building character, fostering citizenship, and promoting fitness - with no regard for how that's done. It sounds impossible, but there are folks in Scouting who's sole focus is on the aims of Scouting. They don't care how Scouting is done as long as it achieves the three aims. It's what I call anarchy.

Imagine what football would be like if all of the effort involved in the game was focused completely on the excitement of the game. They don't care what the goal of the game is, or how it's played, as long as it's fun. Imagine what it would be like watching a game where any rule is seen to take away from the fun and excitement. Well, the first thing you'd notice is that it would be pretty hard to score any points. On the offensive side each player would be trying to do whatever he thought was fun instead of working together to move the ball down the field and score points. On the defensive side you'd have chaos. Assuming the quarterback managed to throw the ball, chances are pretty good the receivers would have been knocked unconscious shortly after the ball was snapped. Suffice it to say, there'd be a lot of turnovers. Now, imagine what Scouting would be like if all of our focus was on having fun. Aside from the chaos, you'd see a lot of kids running around doing whatever they like to do, and all of the things that need to be done wouldn't get done.

My point is that everything that goes into this game we call Scouting is there for a reason. The Boy Scouts of America is charged with the task of making sure the aims of the movement are met, but at the same time, it has to make sure Scouting is fun and exciting. Despite what some may think, every rule and requirement is strictly analyzed to ensure that it promotes the aims of Scouting, follows the established rules for how the game of Scouting is played, and keeps Scouting fun and exciting for those who play it. When the requirements for a merit badge are reviewed, every proposed change is weighed very carefully to maintain the balance between the aims, the methods, and the game itself. We as Scouters should do no less in running our units.

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616

The Game of Scouting- Part One

It's Not Winning Or Losing

Scouting is a game. At least that's what it's supposed to be. Some would even say it's supposed to be a game with a purpose, but it seems to me that there are an awful lot of people out there who tend to go to extremes. There are those who put all of their emphasis on the game, and there are those who put all of their emphasis on the purpose. One thing we should all remember is that Scouting is supposed to be a game for the youth who are Scouts. That means for them it should be fun, exciting, and with relatively few rules. It should appear to them to be just a fun activity. Sure, we've got the Scout Oath and Law, which constitute the rules of the game. Some would say that these two elements make Scouting an impossible game. No other game requires a player to follow the rules even when he's not playing! While that's generally true with games like football, or chess, it's not true of Scouting simply because the game never ends. It starts when a boy first promises that he "understands and intends to live by the Scout Oath, Scout Law, Scout Motto, Scout Slogan, and the Outdoor Code;" or he first promises "to do my best to do my duty to God and my country, to help other people, and to obey the Law of the Pack." If the game is played properly, it lasts forever regardless of whether the individual still puts on a Scouting uniform. Like most games, Scouting has an ultimate goal, a set of rules, and a well-defined playing field. Over the years many have developed strategies for playing the game; ways to make the game more exciting, but the overall goal of the game hasn't changed. For example, the goal of football is to score as many points as possible in 60 minutes while preventing your opponent from scoring. This has been a goal of the game from the moment it was first developed. Over the years many improvements have been made to football to make it safer, more exciting to play, or more exciting to watch. That's much like Scouting. The basic rules of football - the rules that define how football is played, scored, etc. haven't changed just like the Scout Oath and Law haven't changed. The other rules that protect the players, define what is allowed and what isn't, and such have changed to make the game safer and discourage cheating. Scouting has the same thing in the Guide To Safe Scouting, Youth Protection, Leave No Trace, Climb On Safely, as well as the rank requirements and merit badges.

Yours in Scouting
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616

A Knights Code- A Long Journey- Part 5

Be prepared to fight in the defense of your country.

The majority of us will not be called to go join the military but all of us are called to be defenders of our country. Being a defender of your country means that you actually defend and protect your rights as a citizen. It basically means that as a person you need to stand up for your country and be a active citizen. This does not mean fighting in wars but it means expressing the idea that you are proud of your country. Being proud and patriotic is very important. If you have false patriotism in my opinion that is worse than not having any patriotism at all.

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616
One day in 1909 in London, England, An American Visitor, William D. Boyce, lost his way in a dense fog. He stopped under a street lamp and tried to figure out where he was. A boy approached him and asked if he could be of help.

"You certainly can," said Boyce. He told the boy that he wanted to find a certain business office in the center of the city.

"I'll take you there," said the boy.

When they got to the destination, Mr. Boyce reached into his pocket for a tip. But the boy stopped him.

"No thank you, sir. I am a Scout. I won't take anything for helping."

"A Scout? And what might that be?" asked Boyce.

The boy told the American about himself and about his brother scouts. Boyce became very interested. After finishing his errand, he had the boy take him to the British Scouting office.

At the office, Boyce met Lord Robert Baden-Powell, the famous British general who had founded the Scouting movement in Great Britain. Boyce was so impressed with what he learned that he decided to bring Scouting home with him.

"The Daily Good Turn" by Norman Rockwell

On February 8, 1910, Boyce and a group of outstanding leaders founded the Boy Scouts of America. From that day forth, Scouts have celebrated February 8 as the birthday of Scouting in the United States.

What happened to the boy who helped Mr.Boyce find his way in the fog? No one knows. He had neither asked for money nor given his name, but he will never be forgotten. His Good Turn helped bring the scouting movement to our country.

In the British Scout Training Center at Gilwell Park, England, Scouts from the United States erected a statue of an American Buffalo in honor of this unknown scout. One Good Turn to one man became a Good Turn to millions of American Boys. Such is the power of a Good Turn.

I realize that I have posted this story before but wanted to post it again around the holidays to show more of what the true spirit of christmas is about.

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616

Quote of the Week

If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it.
Margaret Fuller

We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make which, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee.
Marian Wright Edelman

I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.
Albert Schweitzer

My passionate sense of social justice and social responsibility has always contrasted oddly with my pronounced lack of need for direct contact with other human beings and human communities.
Albert Einstein

Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.
Albert Einstein

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616

Wednesday 17 December 2008


He opened the bag and brought out three stockings, one for each of his guests. He fastened them to the baggage racks above the seats and watched the two boys contentedly close their eyes and go to sleep.

"They will be awfully disappointed when they wake up in the morning and do not find anything in them," said Mary.

"They're going to find something in them," said Henry confidently. He went to the end of the car, opened his trunk and lifted out various packages which had been designed for him. Of course he was going on sixteen, but there were some things that would do for Philip and plenty of things for George and some good books that he had selected himself that would do for Mary. Then there were candy and nuts and cakes and oranges galore. Mary was even more excited than he was as they filled the boys' stockings and arranged things that were too big to go in them.

"These are your own Christmas gifts, I know," said the girl, "and you haven't hung up your stocking."

"I don't need to. I have had my Christmas present."

"And what is that?"

"A chance to make a merry Christmas for you and your little brothers," answered Henry, and his heart was light.

"How long do you suppose we will have to stay here?" asked the girl.

"I don't know. I suppose they will try to dig us out to-morrow. Meanwhile we have nuts, oranges, crackers, and little cakes, to say nothing of the candy, to live on. Now you go to bed and have a good sleep."

"And what will you do?"

"I'll stay up for a while and read one of these books and keep the fire going."

"You are awfully good to us," said Mary, turning away. "You are just like a real Santa Claus."

"We have to help other people--especially people in trouble," answered the boy. "It is one of the first Scout rules. I am really glad I got left behind and found you. Good-night." The girl, whose experience that day had been hard, soon fell asleep with her brothers. Henry did not feel sleepy at all; he was bright and happy and rejoiced. This certainly was an adventure. He wondered what Dick and Joe and Spike and the other fellows of his troop would think when he wrote them about it. He did not realize that he had saved the lives of the children, who would assuredly have frozen to death in the cabin. When he was satisfied that Mary was sound asleep, he put some things in her stocking and then piled in the rack over her head two books he thought the girl would like. It was late when he went to sleep himself, happier than he had dreamed he could be. He awoke once in the night to replenish the fire, but he was sleeping soundly at seven o'clock in the morning when the door of the car opened and half a dozen men filed in. They had not made any noise. Even the big snow-plough tearing open the way from Kiowa had not disturbed the four sleepers. The first man in was the conductor. After the trainmen had discovered that the coach had been left behind they had managed to get into Kiowa and had started back at once with the rotary plough to open the road and to rescue the boy. Henry's uncle had been in town to meet Henry, and of course the trainmen let him go back with them on the plough. The third
man was Mr. Wright. He had been caught by the storm and, as he said, the abandoned coach must be near his claim, he asked to be taken along because he was afraid his children would be freezing to death. The men stopped and surveyed the sleeping boys and girl. Their glances ranged from the children to the bulging stockings and the pile of Christmas presents in the racks.

"Well, can you beat that?" said the conductor.

"By George!" exclaimed Rancher Ives, "a regular Christmas layout!"

"These are my children safe and well, thank God!" cried Mr. Wright.

"Boy," said the conductor, laying his hand on Henry's shoulder, "we came to wish you a Merry Christmas."

"Father!" cried Mary Wright, awakened by the voice, and the next minute she was in his arms, while she told him rapidly what Henry had done for them all.

The boys were awake, too, but humanity had no attraction for them.

"Santa has come!" shouted Philip making a dive for his stocking.

"This is your uncle, Jim Ives," said the conductor to Henry.

"And this is my father," said Mary in turn.

"I am awfully sorry," said Henry to the conductor, "but we had to eat your dinner. And I had to chop up your kitchen table," he added, turning to Mr. Wright.

"I am glad there was something to eat in the pail," said one.

"You could have chopped the cabin down," said the other.

"By George!" said the ranchman proudly. "I wrote to your father to send you out here and we'd make a man of you, but it seems to me you are a man already," he continued as Mary Wright poured forth the story of their rescue.

"No, I am not a man," said Henry to his uncle, as he flushed with pride at the hearty praise of these men. "I am just a--"

"Just a what?" asked the conductor as the boy hesitated.

"Why, just a Boy Scout," answered Henry.


"Now I want something to stretch on these things, so as to let the sled ride over the snow, instead of digging into it," he said to the girl. She brought him her father's old "slicker." Henry cut it into suitable shape and nailed and lashed it securely to the runners and to the table top. Now he had a flat-bottomed sled with a rising front to it that would serve. He smiled as he looked at the queer contrivance and saidaloud: "I wish Mr. Lesher could see that!"

"Who is Mr. Lesher?" asked George.

"Oh, he's my Scoutmaster back in Ohio. Now come on!"

He opened the door, drew the sled outside, pushed it up on the snow and stepped on it. It bore his weight perfectly.

"It's all right," he cried. "But it won't take all three of you at once."

"I'll wait," said Mary, "you take the two boys."

"Very well," said Henry.

"You'll surely come back for me?"

"Surely, and I think it's mighty brave of you to stay behind. Now come on, boys," he said. Leaving Mary filled with pleasure at such praise, he put the two boys carefully into the sled, stepped into his snow-shoes and dragged them rapidly across the prairie. It was quite dark now, but the sky was clear and the stars were bright. The storm had completely stopped. He remembered the bearings he had taken by the stars, and reached the high hill without difficulty. Below him lay the car. Presently he drew up before the platform. He put the boys in the car,
told them to go up to the fire and warm themselves and not to touchanything. Then he went back for the girl.

"Did you think I was not coming?" he asked as he re-entered the cabin.

"I knew you would come back," said the girl and it was Henry's turn to tingle with pride. He wrapped her up carefully, and fairly ran back to the car. They found the boys warm and comfortable and greatly excited.

"If we just had a Christmas tree and Santa Claus and something to eat and a drink of water and a place to sleep," said the youngest boy, "it would be great fun."

"I am afraid we can't manage the Christmas tree," said Henry, "but we can have everything else."

"Do you mean Santy?"

"Santy too," answered the boy. "First of all, we will get something to eat."

"We haven't had anything since morning," said the girl. Henry divided the sandwiches into three portions. As it happened, there were three hard-boiled eggs. He gave one portion to each of his guests.

"You haven't left any for yourself," said Mary.

"I ate before I looked for you," answered Henry, although the one sandwich had by no means satisfied his hunger.

"My, but this is good!" said George.

"Our mother is dead," said Mary Wright after a pause, "and our father is awful poor. He has taken out a homestead and we are trying to live on it until he gets it proved up. We have had a very hard time since mother died."

"Yes, I know," said Henry, gravely; "my mother died, too."

"I wonder what time it is?" asked the girl at last.

Henry pulled out his watch. "It is after six o'clock," he said.

"Say," broke in George, "that's a funny kind of a uniform you've got on."

"It is a Boy Scout uniform."

"Oh, is it?" exclaimed George. "I never saw one before. I wish I could be a Scout!"

"Maybe you can," answered Henry. "I am going to organize a troop when I get to Kiowa. But now I'm going to fix beds for you. Of course we are all sleepy after such a hard day."

He had seen the trainmen lift up the bottoms of the seats and lay them lengthwise of the car. He did this, and soon made four fairly comfortable beds. The two nearest the stove he gave to the boys. He indicated the next one was for Mary, and the one further down toward the
middle of the car was for himself.

"You can all go to bed right away," he said when he had made his preparations. The two boys decided to accept this advice. Mary said she would stay up a little longer and talk with Henry.

"You can't undress," she said to the two boys. "You'll have to sleep as you are." She sat down in one of the car seats; Philip knelt down at one knee and George at the other. The girl, who was barely fifteen had already taken her mother's place. She laid her hand on each bent head and listened while one after the other the boys said their prayers. She kissed them good-night, saw them comfortably laid out on the big cushions with their overcoats for pillows and turned away.

"Say," began Philip, "you forgot something, Mary."

"What have I forgotten, dear?"

"Why, it's Christmas Eve and we must hang up our stockings."

Mary threw up her hands. "I am afraid this is too far away for Santa Claus. He won't know that we are out here," she said.

"Oh, I don't know," said Henry, thinking rapidly, "let them hang them up."

Mary looked at him in surprise. "They haven't any to hang up," she said. "We can't take those they're wearing."

"You should have thought of that," wailed Philip, "before you brought us here."

"I have some extra ones in my bag," said Henry. "We will hang them up."


To his delight he got along without the slightest difficulty although he strode with great care. He gained the level and in ten minutes found himself on the top of the hill, where he could see miles and miles of rolling prairie. He turned himself slowly about, to get a view of the country. As his glance swept the horizon, at first it did not fall upon a single, solitary thing except a vast expanse of snow. There was not a tree even. The awful loneliness filled him with dismay. He had about given up when, in the last quarter of the horizon he saw, perhaps a quarter of a mile away, what looked like a fine trickle of blackish smoke that appeared to rise from a shapeless mound that bulged above the monotonous level.

"Smoke means fire, and fire means man," he said, excitedly. The sky was rapidly clearing. A few stars had already appeared. Remembering what he had learned on camp and trail, he took his bearing by the stars; he did not mean to get lost if he left that hill. Looking back, he could see the car, the lamp of which sent broad beams of light through the windows across the snow. Then he plunged down the hill, thanking God in his boyish heart for the snow-shoes and his knowledge of them. It did not take him long to reach the mound whence the smoke rose. It was a sod house, he found, built against a sharp knoll, which no doubt formed its rear wall. The wind had drifted the snow, leaving a half-open way to the door. Noiselessly the boy slipped down to it, drew his feet from the snow-shoes and knocked. There was a burst of sound inside. It made his heart jump, but he was reassured by the fact that the voices were those of children. What they said he could not make out; but, without further ado, he opened the door and entered. It was a fairly large room. There were two beds in it, a stove, a table,a chest of drawers and a few chairs. From one of the beds three heads stared at him. As each head was covered with a wool cap, drawn down over the ears, like his own, he could not make out who they were. There were dishes on the table, but they were empty. The room was cold, although it was evident that there was still a little fire in the stove.

"Oh!" came from one of the heads in the bed. "I thought you were my father. What is your name?"

"My name," answered the boy, "is Henry Ives. I was left behind alone in the railroad car about a mile back, and saw the smoke from your house and here I am."

"Have you brought us anything to burn?" asked the second head.

"Or anything to eat?" questioned the third.

"My name is Mary Wright," said the first speaker, "and these are my brothers George and Philip. Father went away yesterday morning with the team, to get some coal and some food. He went to Kiowa."

"That's where I am going," interrupted Henry.

"Yes," continued Mary, "I suppose he can't get back because of the snow. It's an awful storm."

"We haven't anything to eat, and I don't know when father will be back," said George.

"And it's Christmas Eve," wailed Philip, who appeared to be about seven.

He set up a howl about this which his brother George, who was about nine, had great difficulty in quieting.

"We put the last shovelful of coal in the stove," said Mary Wright, "and got into bed to keep warm."

"I'll go outside while you get up and dress," said Henry considerately, "and then we will try and get to the car. It is warm there, and there is something to eat."

"You needn't go," said the girl; "we are all dressed." She threw back the covers and sprang out of bed. She was very pretty and about Henry's own age, he discovered, although she was pale and haggard with cold and hunger.

"Goody, goody!" exclaimed little Philip, as his feet landed on the floor. "Maybe we'll have some Christmas, too."

"Maybe we will," said Henry, smiling at him. "At least we will have something to eat."

"Well, let's start right away then," urged George.

This brought Henry face to face with a dilemma. "I have only one pair of snow-shoes," he said at last, "and you probably don't know how to use them anyway, and you can't walk on the snow."

"I have a sled," suggested George.

"That won't do," said Henry. "I've got to have something that won't sink
in the snow--that will lie flat, so I can draw you along."

"How about that table?" said the girl.

"Good suggestion," cried Henry.

It was nothing but a common kitchen table. He turned it upside down, took his Scout axe from its sheath, knocked the legs off, fastened a piece of clothesline to the butts of two of them. "Now if I could have something to turn up along the front, so as not to dig into the snow," he said, "it would be fine." He thought a moment. "Where is that sled of yours, George?"

"Here," said George, dragging it forth. The runners curved upwards. Henry cut them off, in spite of Philip's protests. He nailed these runners to the front of the table and stretched rope tightly across them so that he had four up-curves in front of the table.


Every boy likes snow on Christmas Day, but there is such a thing as too much of it. Henry Ives, alone in the long railroad coach, stared out of the clouded windows at the whirling mass of snow with feelings of dismay. It was the day before Christmas, almost Christmas Eve. Henry did not feel any too happy, indeed he had hard work to keep down a sob. His mother had died but a few weeks before and his father, the captain of a freighter on the Great Lakes, had decided, very reluctantly, to send him to his brother who had a big ranch in western Nebraska.

Henry had never seen his uncle or his aunt. He did not know what kind of people they were. The loss of his mother had been a terrible blow to him and to be separated from his father had filled his cup of sorrow to the brim. His father's work did not end with the close of navigation on the lakes, and he could not get away then although he promised to come and see Henry before the ice broke and traffic was resumed in the spring.

The long journey from the little Ohio town on Lake Erie to western Nebraska had been without mishap. His uncle's ranch lay far away from the main line of the railroad on the end of the branch. There was but one train a day upon it, and that was a mixed train. The coach in which Henry sat was attached to the end of a long string of freight cars. Travel was infrequent in that section of the country. On this day Henry was the only passenger.

The train had been going up-grade for many miles and had just about reached the crest of the divide. Bucking the snow had become more and more difficult; several times the train had stopped. Sometimes the engine backed the train some distance to get headway to burst through
the drift. So Henry thought nothing of it when the car came to a gentle stop. The all-day storm blew from the west and the front windows of the car were covered with snow so he could not see ahead. Some time before the conductor and rear brakeman had gone forward to help dig the engine out of the drift and they had not come back. Henry sat in silence for some time watching the whirling snow. He was sad; even the thought of the gifts of his father and friends in his trunk which stood in the baggage compartment of the car did not cheer him. More than all the Christmas gifts in the world, he wanted at that time his mother and father and friends.

"It doesn't look as though it was going to be a very merry Christmas for me," he said aloud at last, and then feeling a little stiff from having sat still so long he got up and walked to the front of the car. It was warm and pleasant in the coach. The Baker heater was going at full blast and Henry noticed that there was plenty of coal. He tried to see out from the front door; but as he was too prudent to open it and let in the snow and cold he could make out nothing. The silence rather alarmed him. The train had never waited so long before. Then, suddenly, came the thought that something very unusual was wrong. He must get a look at the train ahead. He ran back to the rear door, opened it and standing on the leeward side, peered forward. The engine and freight cars were not there! All he saw was the deep cut filled nearly to the height of the car with snow. Henry was of a mechanical turn of mind and he realized that doubtless the coupling had broken. That was what had happened. The trainmen had not noticed it and the train had gone on and left the coach. The break had occurred at the crest of the divide and the train had gone rapidly down hill on the other side. The amount of snow told the boy that it would not be possible for the train to back up and pick up the car. He was alone in the wilderness of rolling hills in far western Nebraska. And this was Christmas Eve! It was enough to bring despair to any boy's heart. But Henry Ives was made of good stuff, he was a first-class Boy Scout and on his scout coat in the trunk were four Merit Badges. He had the spirit of his father, who had often bucked the November storms on Lake Superior in his great six-hundred-foot freighter, and danger inspired him. He went back into the car, closed the door, and sat down to think it over. He had very vague ideas as to how long such a storm would last andhow long he might be kept prisoner. He did not even know just where he was or how far it was to the end of the road and the town where his uncle's ranch lay.

It was growing dark so he lighted one of the lamps close to the heater and had plenty of light. In doing so he noticed in the baggage rack a dinner pail. He remembered that the conductor had told him that his wife had packed that dinner pail and although it did not belong to the boy he
felt justified in appropriating it in such circumstances. It was full of food--eggs, sandwiches, and a bottle of coffee. He was not very hungry but he ate a sandwich. He was even getting cheerful about the situation because he had something to do. It was an adventure.While he had been eating, the storm had died away. Now he discovered that it had stopped snowing. All around him the country was a hilly, rolling prairie. The cut ran through a hill which seemed to be higher
than others in the neighbourhood. If he could get on top of it he might see where he was. Although day was ending it was not yet dark and Henry decided upon an exploration. Now he could not walk on foot in that deep and drifted snow without sinking over his head under ordinary conditions, but his troop had done a great deal of winter work, and strapped alongside of his big, telescope grip were a pair of snow-shoes which he himself had made, and
with the use of which he was thoroughly familiar.

"I mustn't spoil this new suit," he told himself, so he ran to the baggage-room of the car, opened his trunk, got out his Scout uniform and slipped into it in a jiffy. "Glad I ran in that 'antelope dressing race,'" he muttered, "but I'll beat my former record now." Over his khaki coat he put on his heavy sweater, then donned his wool cap and gloves, and with his snow-shoes under his arm hurried back to the rear platform. The snow was on a level with the platform. It rose higher as
the coach reached into the cut. He saw that he would have to go down some distance before he could turn and attempt the hill. He had used his snow-shoes many times in play but this was the first time they had ever been of real service to him. Thrusting his toes into the straps he struck out boldly.

A Christmas Story Number 1

By the way, I did not write this. It was written by Sam Bogan. I do not know if this is a true story or a fictional one, but to tell the truth, it really does not matter.

The Christmas Scout

In spite of the fun and laughter, 13 yr. old Frank Wilson was not happy. It was true, he had received all the presents he wanted, and he enjoyed the traditional Christmas Eve reunions with relatives for the purpose of exchanging gifts and good wishes.......... but Frank was not happy because this was his first Christmas without his brother, Steve, who during the year, had been killed by a reckless driver. Frank missed his brother and the close companionship they had together.

He said good-bye to this relatives, and explained to his parents that he was leaving a little early to see a friend, and from there he could walk home. Since it was cold outside, Frank put on his new plaid jacket. It was his FAVORITE gift. He placed the other presents on his new sled, then headed out, hoping to find the patrol leader of his Boy Scout troop. Frank always felt understood by him.

Tho' rich in wisdom, his leader lived in the Flats, the section of town where most of the poor lived. His patrol leader did odd jobs to help support his family. To Frank's disappointment, his friend was not home.

As Frank hiked down the street toward home, he caught glimpses of trees and decorations in many of the small houses. Then, thru one front window, he glimpsed a shabby room with limp stockings hanging over an empty fireplace. A woman was seated nearby....weeping.

The stockings reminded him of the way he and his brother had always hung theirs side by side. The next morning, they would be bursting with presents. A sudden tho't struck Frank--he had not done his "good deed" for the day. Before the impulse passed, he knocked on the door. "Yes?" the sad voice of a woman asked. Seeing his sled full of gifts, and assuming he was making a collection, she said, "I have no food or gifts for you. I have nothing for my own children."

"That's not why I am here, " Frank replied. "Please choose whatever presents you would like for your children from the sled."

"Why, God bless you!" the amazed woman answered gratefully. She selected some candies, a game, a toy airplane and a puzzle. When she took the Scout flashlight, Frank almost protested. Finally, the stockings were full.

"Won't you tell me your name?" she asked, as Frank was leaving.

"Just call me the Christmas Scout," he replied.

The visit left Frank touched, and with an unexpected flicker of joy in his heart. He understood that his sorrow wasn't the only sorrow in the world.

Before he left the Flats, he had given away the rest of his gifts. His plaid jacket had gone to a shivering boy. Now, Frank trudged toward home, cold and uneasy. How could he explain to his parents that he had given his presents away?

"Where are your presents, son? asked his father as Frank entered the house. "I gave them away," he answered in a small voice.

"The airplane from Aunt Susan? Your new coat from Grandma? Your flashlight?? We tho't you were happy with your gifts."

"I was......very happy," Frank said quietly.

"But, Frank, how could you be so impulsive?" his mother asked. "How will we explain to the relatives who spent so much time and gave so much love shopping for you?"

His father was firm. "You made your choice, Frank. We cannot afford any more presents."

With his brother gone, and his family disappointed in him, Frank suddenly felt dreadfully alone. He had not expected a reward for his generosity, for he knew that a good deed always should be its own reward. It would be tarnished otherwise. So he did not want his gifts back. However, he wondered if he would ever again recapture joy in his life. He tho't he had this evening....but it had been fleeting. He thought of his brother.....and sobbed himself to sleep.

The next morning, he came downstairs to find his parents listening to Christmas music on the radio. Then the announcer spoke:

"Merry Christmas, everyone! The nicest Christmas story we have this morning comes from the Flats. A crippled boy down there has a new sled this morning left at his house by an anonymous teenage boy. Another youngster has a fine plaid jacket, and several families report that their children were made happy last night by gifts from a teenage lad who simply called himself the 'Christmas Scout'. No one could identify him, but the children of the Flats claim that the Christmas Scout was a personal representative of old Santa Claus himself.

Frank felt his father's arms go around his shoulders, and he saw his mother smiling thru her tears.

"Why didn't you tell us, son? We didn't understand. We are so proud of you."

The carols came over the air again, filling the room with music--"Praises sing to God the King, and peace on Earth goodwill to men."

Borrow from Melrose Troop 68 Scoutmaster Blog which Can be found at:

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616

A Knights Code- A Long Journey- Part 4

"Do nothing to hurt or offend anyone else"

Hurting and offending others is just a wrong and hateful thing to do. Yes it is much easier to be hateful and rude but you shouldn't as a Scout because you are held to a higher standard of ethical and moral behavior. If you are following this high standard of behavior then you should not be willing hurt others just for the pleasure of the experience. As Knights, Knights were trusted by the common people to protect them and therefore had no room to hurt or offend anyone because they were in a position of power. In a position of power Knights realized they needed act friendly and courteous to everyone, no matter what their personal opinion was about that person. Personal opinions can be held even if they are negative and disrespectful as long as you don't take out that negative opinion on a person.

Scouting has the same standard as knights. In scouting we are placed in a position of power and responsibility that makes it very important for Scouts to behave in a courteous and friendly manner. For with these two important behaviors you would be a very cruel person in the world. Being friendly and courteous to everyone is not just a idea but is the expectation of each and every scout. Yes you will not get along with everyone you meet and yes there are differences in the world but it still does not give you the right to not be friendly or couteous to others. Don't rely on the double standard of people disrespecting you deserve disrespect. This standard of behavior will not get you very far in life because you are just falling into a cycle of peer pressure that is impossible to break unless someone is willing to take a stand.

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616

A Knights Code- A Long Journey- Part 3

"Defend the poor and help them that cannot defend themselves"

This is next part to the Knights Code and I think this fits very well with the Scout Law word of Help and the Scout Slogan which is "Do A Good Turn Daily". Both of these ideals in Scouting have to do with helping people. As Scouts we are called upon to serve those less fortunate on a daily basis. We as scouts should always be looking for a opportunity to serve and defend others. A Knights interpretation is that he should help the poor by providing service and to stand up for those who are not able to stand up for themselves. This knight intrepretation most definitely fits and matches what the Scout interpretation should be like.

Serving those less fortunate than you is not just to complete another requirement or move up in rank it should come from the heart and be a true feeling. Helping others is a very rewarding experience and should not be dismissed as something not worthy of your attention. Serving others is part of your duty as a Scout and should be incorporated into your everyday life as often as possible.

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616

Interamerican Region WOSM Calender of Events

6th Interamerican Scout Summit
February 27 to February 28 2009
Hotel Dorado Plaza Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
Description: All executive Directors, National Chief Scouts of the Scout Associations of our Region, and all Regional Scout authorities are invited to this location to discuss and implement various regional and NSO initiatives that are csondiered important as determined by Regional Staff and the Regional Conference.

1st Panamerican Scout Moot
December 27 2008 to January 4 2009
National Scout Camp Arani, Cochabamba, Bolivia
The purpose of this event to gather Scouts primarily from the Interamerican region but also from all recognized WOSM or WAGGGS NSO's that are Rover level scouts. The rover level scout age range is hereby defined as any scout from a approved NSO that is between 15 and 23 years of age. There will be two age brackets one being 15 to 18 and the other 18 to 23. Each delegation from a country will form teams of 5 to 8 people or will be automatically assigned to a team.

13th Panamerican Jamboree
December 26 2009 to January 3 2010
In order for scouts to participate they must have been born between 1992 and 1998. This even each participating NSO must form a unit of 36 youth and 4 adults. NSO's not able to for this big of a unit must bring at least 9 youth and 1 adult in order to be able to go. Individual registrations will not be accepted. It will be held for Interamerican Region Scouts in order for these Scouts to get together, share cultures, and participate in various scout activities.

24th Interamerican Scout Conference
August 1 to August 6 2010
Panama City, Panama
Interamerican region Scout Conference for Regional Staff and a representative from each NSO. This event usually occurs every 3 years and is the decision making body for the region and also elects members to various positions in the Regional Staff.

5th Central American Cub Scout Encounter
April 4 to April 8 2009
Camp Oakley, Belize
A International gathering of Scouts that are Cub Scout Level Age. This international gathering will be held to exchange cultures and to educated these scouts about the issues that are affecting the world today.

22nd Central American Scout Camporee
April 4 to April 10 2009
Nation Scout Camp El Peñon, Guatemala
Description: Unavailable at present time of research. Hopefully information will be posted shortly and I will share it with the group.

3rd Central American Scout Indaba
When: September 2009
Where: Honduras
Unavailable at present time of research. Hopefully information will be posted shortly and I will share it with the group.

18th Central American Scout Moot
When: December 13 to December 19 2009
National Scout Camp Muxbal, Guatemala
Description: Unavailable at present time of research. Hopefully information will be posted shortly and I will share it with the group.

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616

Friday 12 December 2008

A Knights Code- A Long Journey- Part 2

"Be always ready with your armor on, except when you are taking your rest at night."

This statement from the Knights code in my opinion ties directly back to the Scout Motto which is "Be Prepared". When looking at the first part "Be Always ready" we can just replace Be Prepared and we still get exactly the same meaning. Be Always ready for knights meant always being willing and able to save and protect the innocent whenever duty calls, this is basically talking about the ultimate sacrifice of a person giving a life in service of others. We as scouts are not normally called upon to give the ultimate sacrifice but we are still called up to be ready/ be prepared to give your gifts to others.

Again looking at this statement as a huge metaphor for today's time armor would be the tools needed to carry out your assigned job. Examples include a doctor with a stethoscope, a journalist with a pencil or a firefighter with his gear. This examples all are examples of armor in todays world. A knights armor would be that of his sword and protective clothing. But lets get back to the actual topic and focus on what a scout's armor would be. A scouts armor would be his skills in camping, cleaning, personal care, and emergency preparedness.

The only time a scout should take of his armor aka his skills is when he has died or when he is resting in order to better serve others and take care of his body. Yes this is a lot to ask of a any boy young or old but as scouts we are called to a higher level of being, which is to serve and care for others and yourself to the best of your power that is within reasonable boundaries. We are not asking for super heroes but are asking for people to live with high standards in a world that willing continually throw in your face that high standards are not important and that money should be the ultimate goal. Money is not the most important thing in life. The most important thing in your life should be to stick to your values at all costs.

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616

Wednesday 10 December 2008

December 8 2008 Meeting Review

After Meeting Review
Well this meeting our SPL was absent from the meeting so our ASPL had to lead the meeting and I am please to say that the ASPL did a fairly good job, our Troop really does need to work out the kinks regarding how announcements are suppose to happen but other than that the meeting went great.

Tonight while the other youth were playing board games i had the opportunity to pull various individuals for end of the year interviews, so I can gain valuable information on how people think the Troop is doing. This information is very important to me because it allows me to imrpove and it also allows other people to give input on how the Troop should function. Back to the story though, I basically ended up have a fairly good conversation with a younger scout which made me realize a couple of things. Those things include that I am a demanding and loud person which to others can be seen as being bossy which is one item I really need to work on and another thing I notice was that it is sometimes very hard to make younger scouts see that sometimes it is necessary to be bossy in order to accomplish certain goals. I did not get the point through to them but I tried and I will continue to work with this scout in a patient and calm manner in order for this scout to see the importance of following through with directions given.

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616

Tuesday 9 December 2008

A Knights Code- A Long Journey

Here is the Knights Code of Old:

Be always ready with your armor on, except when you are taking your rest at night.

*Defend the poor and help them that cannot defend themselves.

*Do nothing to hurt or offend anyone else.

*Be prepared to fight in the defense of your country.

*At whatever you are working, try to win honor and a name for honesty.

*Never break your promise.

*Maintain the honor of your country with your life. Rather die honestly then live shamelessly.

*Chivalry requireth that youth should be trained to perform the most laborious and humble offices with cheerfulness and grace; and do good unto others.

We could use a few Knights nowaday.

Throughout the Next week or so I will be breaking down each one of these statements and relating it to scouting in some form, some are quite obvious but some will be difficult to understand. Hopefully you enjoy the journey all the way.

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616

Saturday 6 December 2008

Attidue Quotes 1

"Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it, for that determines our success or failure. The way you think about a fact may defeat you before you ever do anything about it. You are overcome by the fact because you think you are. "
~ Norman Vincent Peale

"The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude to me is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than success, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, gift, or skill. It will make or break a company...a church...a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past...we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10 percent what happens to me and 90 percent how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our attitudes. "
~ Charles Swindoll

"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. "
~ Thomas Jefferson

"Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens. "
~ Kahlil Gibran

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616

WOSM- Eurrasia Region

WOSM Eurasia Region
What is It?
The Eurasian Region of the WOSM is headquarter in Gurzuf near Yalta-Krasnokamianka, Ukraine and also has a branch office in Moscow, Russia. Basically it inludes all the formerly communist states of Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and the Soviet Union that have developed or are developing Scouting. This region was created in 1997 and is working on publishing Scouting Manuals and Handbooks in Russian. There is also a quarterly periodical of the Region which shares the successes of the Regions forming organizations.

What Countries that Have Scouting are Part of this Region?
  • Armenia
  • Azerbaijan
  • Georgia
  • Kazakshtan
  • Moldova
  • Russian Federation
  • Tajikistan
  • Ukraine
Which People are Part of the Regional Committee?
  • Mr. Bagrat Yesayan, Chairman, Armenia
  • Mr. Namik Jafarov, Vice-Chairman, Azerbaijan
  • Mrs. Tamara Shukakidze, Member, Georgia
  • Mr. Vladimir Vlas, Member, Moldova
  • Mr. Igor Ivanov, Member, Russia
  • Mr. Rustam Karimov, Member, Tajikistan
  • Mr. Irakli, Todua, Consultant
  • Mr. Iurie Emilian, Consultant, Moldova
  • Mr. Oleg Reshetnikov, COnsultant Russia
  • Mr. Valeri Goolovenko, Consultant, Ukraine
Regional Events
The one major regional event that occurred was that of the Eurasian Region Scout Jabmoree. This first Eurasian Scout Jamboree was held in Byurakan, Armenia in August of 2006. Also there is a program called Excell Regional Training for the various NSO's within the region. The program is put on by the WOSM with consultants from various countries around the world.

Regional Conferences
  • First Regional Conference- Minsk, Belarus May 2001
  • Second Regional Coference- Baku, Azerbaijan, September 2004
  • Third Regional Conference- Krasnokamemnka, Ukraine September 2007
  • Fourth Regional Conference- Expected to be in 2010
Due to the limited information on the web about the Region this post is not complete as other regions that are or will be posted. As more details come out I hope to release that information as time goes on.

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616

Wednesday 3 December 2008

Help the BSA

Help The BSA
This is not Friends of Scouting or asking for money, this is about honoring a group of scouts who gave selflessly to help those in need at Little Sioux Scout Ranch, where over this summer had a tornado tear through the camp. Belief Net which is a online website that offers a award called Most Inspiring Person of the Year, this award gives a large sum of money to the winners charity of choice. But in order for this to happen we need to get votes in on the website as soon as possible because voting ends this coming friday. The website you must go to vote is that of:

If you have any questions please leave a comment.

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616

Monday 1 December 2008

WOSM- Interamerican Scout Region- Scout Conferences

Interamerican Regional Scout Conferences
Dates and Locations

  • First IA Scout Conference: Location- Bogota, Colombia Date- May 27 to June 2 1946
  • Second IA Scout Coference: Location- Mexico City, Mexico Date- May 3 to 8 1948
  • Third IA Scout Conference: Location- Havana, Cuba Date- February 20 to 25 1953
  • Fourth IA Scout Conference: Location- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Date- February 22 to 27, 1957
  • Fifth IA Scout Conference: Location- Cracas, Venezuela Date- February 22 to 27 1961
  • Sixth IA Scout Conference: Location- Kingston, Jamaica Date- August 26 to 29 1964
  • Seventh IA Scout Conference: Location- San Salvador, El Salvador Date- July 24 to 29 1968
  • 8th IA Scout Conference: Location- Lima, Peru Date- August 11 1972
  • 9th IA Scout Conference: Location- Miamai Florida, united States Date- August 5 to 9 1974
  • 10th IA Scout Conference: Location- Mexico City Mexico Date- August 24 to 28 1976
  • 11th IA Scout Conference: Location- Guatemala City, Guatemala Date- June 5 to 9 1978
  • 12th IA Scout Conference: Location- Santiago, Chile Date- October 10 to 19 1980
  • 13th IA Scout Conference: Location- Nassau, Bahamas Date- July 25 to 31 1982
  • 14th IA Scout Conference: Location- Curitiba, Prana, Brazil Date- September 4 to 8 1984
  • 15th IA Scout Conference: Location-Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago Date- July 20 to 26 1986
  • 16th IA Scout Conference: Location- Buenos Aires, Argentina Date- September 18 to 23 1988
  • 17th IA Scout Conference: Location- Montevideo Uruguay Date- November 18 to 23 1990
  • 18th IA Scout Conference: Location- San Jose, Costa Rica Date- July 12 to 17 1992
  • 19th IA Scout Conference: Location- Cartagena de indias, Colombia Date- September 4 to 8 1995
  • 20th IA Scout Conference: Location- Guadalajara, Mexico Date- March 22 to 27 1998
  • 21 IA Scout Conference: Location- Cochabamba, Bolivia Date- September 24 to 28 2001
  • 22 IA Scout Conference: Location- San Salvador, El Salvador Date- July 31 to August 4 2004
  • 23th IA Scout Conference: Location- Quito, Ecuador Date- November 23 to 28 2007
Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616

WOSM- Interamerican Scout Region- Regional Events

Region Events and Jamborees

There are two regional Jamborees that occur every couple of years. These two jamborees are the Pan-American Jamboree which is primarily for Central and South America and then the Caribbean Jamboree which is for Scouts in the Carribean basin.

Pan-American Jamborees:
  • 1st Pan-American Jamboree- Rio De Janeiro, Brazil 1965
  • 2nd Pan-American Jamaboree- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 1966
  • 3rd Pan-American Jamboree- Bogota, Colombia 1974
  • 4th Pan-American Jamboree- Porto Alegre, Brazil 1981
  • 5th Pan-American Jamboree- Kingston, Jamaica 1985
  • 6th Pan-American Jamboree- Villarrica, Chile 1989
  • 7th Pan-American Jamboree- La Calera, COlombia 1990
  • 8th Pan-American Jamboree- Brazil 1992
  • 9th Pan-American Jamboree- Cochambamba, Bolivia 1994
  • 10th Pan-American Jamboree- Muxbal, Guatemala 1996
  • 11th Pan-American Jamboree- Iguacu Falls, Brazil 2001
  • 12th Pan-American Jamboree- San Rafael, Mendoza, Argentina 2005
  • 13th Pan-American Jamboree- Mexico 2009
Carribbean Scout Jamboree
  • 1st Carribbean Jamboree- Kingston, Jamaica 1952
  • 2nd Carribbean Jamboree- Trinidad and Tobago 1961
  • 3rd Carribbean Jamboree- Guyana 1969
  • 4th Carribbean Jamboree- Combermerre School, barbados 1972
  • 5th Carribbean Jamboree-Suriname 1974
  • 6th Carribbean Jamboree-Jamaica 1977
  • 7th Carribbean Jamboree- Trinidad and Tobago 1980
  • 8th Carribbean Jamboree-Suriname (Cancelled) 1984
  • 9th Carribbean Jamboree- barbados 1987
  • 10th Carribbean Jamboree- Dominica 1994
  • 11th Carribbean Jamboree-Trindad and Tobago 1996
  • 12th Carribbean Jamboree- Saint Lucia 2000
  • 13th Carribbean Jamboree- Guyana 2003 (Cancelled) Jamaica 2006 (Rescheduled Jamboree)
Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616

WOSM- Interamerican Scout Region

WOSM Inter-American Scout Region
What is it?
The Interamerican Scout Region is the Scout Region that covers the majority of the Western Hemisphere including North and South America. The headquarters of this WOSM region is found in Santiago, Chile. Up until the 1960's the Region only serviced Mexico, Central and South America with the United States and Canada be serviced through the then named "Boy Scouts International Bureau" which was headquartered in Ottawa, Canda. After the 1960's and up until the present this WOSM region has served the majority of Countries in the western hemisphere. The website is currently only in spanish and primarily serves the Spanish speaking countries currently. It also includes one of the six countries in the world that does not have a Scouting Movement.

WOSM Interamerican Regional Committee Members:
  • Ronald Castro- President, Lives in San Salvador, El Salvador, Term ends in 2010
  • Omar A, Lugo- 1st Vice President, Mexico City, Mexico, Term ends in 2010
  • Nigel Taylor- 2nd Vice President, Bridgetown, Barbados, Term ends in 2010
  • Michael Brabshaw- Member, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, Term ends in 2013
  • Fernando Brodeschi- Member, Curitiba, Brazil, Term Ends in 2013
  • Katina George H.- Member, Managua, Nicaragua, Term ends in 2010
  • Gilberto Mendoza- Member, Maracay, Venezuela, Term ends in 2013
  • Oswaldo Navas T.- Member, Quito, Ecuador, Term ends in 2013
  • Diego Ospina D.- Member, Bogota, COlombia, Term ends in 2013
  • Luis Sabater N,- Member, Domingo, DOminican Republic, Term ends in 2010

Here is the listing from the start to the present of where the Interamerican Region Headquarters are:
  • Havana, Cuba (1946 to 1960)
  • Kingston Jamaica (1960)
  • Mexico City, Mexico (1960 to 1968)
  • San Jose, Costa Rica (1968 to 1992)
  • Santiago Chile (1992 to Present)
Which Countries Have Scouting?
  • Argentina
  • Bahamas
  • Barbados
  • Belize
  • Bolivia
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • Chile
  • COlombia
  • Costa Rica
  • Dominica
  • DOminican Republic
  • Ecuador
  • El Savaldor
  • Grenada
  • Guatemala
  • Guyana
  • Haiti
  • Honduras
  • Jamaica
  • Mexico
  • Nicaragua
  • Panama
  • Paraguay
  • Peru
  • Saint Lucia
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Suriname
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • United States
  • Uruguay
  • Venezuela
  • Aruba (Associate Member)
  • Netherlands Antilles (Associate Members)
That is the Basic Overview for the Interamerican WOSM Region.

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616

Thursday 27 November 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving
Thanks to my family and everyone that cares for me.

Also thank to all the kids who spend their time in this organization.

Thanks to the volunteers who spend their free time giving back to the organization

Thanks to the Scout Professionals who keep the organization together.

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Patrol Leaders Creed

I will develop spirit in my Patrol

I will be cheerful constantly. I will be the fast friend of all the Patrol Members and be ready at all times to serve them. They can count on me to have a new song, a fresh idea or a stunt at my finger's end and we will all be as thick as the Forty Thieves.

I will advance along the Scout ladder

I will steadily step up from Tenderfoot to Second Class, to First Class and through all the Merit Badges to the Eagle Rank, so that I may be a guide and perhaps the inspiration for the rest of my fellows to go and do likewise.

I will do a Good Turn daily

I will not let the Good Turn Idea be a thing like my best necktie, that I use only on special occasions. Neither will I automatically stop looking for and doing Good Turns after the first one of the day. Just because I have already done my Good Turn for the day is no reason at all why I should refuse to grab the opportunity to help grandmother find her specs or put ice in the refrigerator for mother.

I will live the Scout Oath and Law

I will remember always that I must be loyal and I will not misjudge Bill when he plays me what seems to be a dirty trick. And I will be exceedingly cheerful, even when it hurts, when it would do my old heart good to backbite and be sarcastic or even just plain grouchy. I will take time, once in a while, to sit down and think what it means to do my duty to my country ... and to other people and to God... I will remember that it is a part of the Scout Law and make good old soap my constant companion. I will remember that it works just as well on my uniform as on my hands and neck and behave accordingly. I will be thrifty, even though it hurts and my heart years for an extra tennis racquet and I have just about twelve dollars in the bank. The best thing I can do, then, is to sock another dollar in there to make a lucky thirteen and go whistling on my way. I will be trustworthy and absolutely reliable always and my Scoutmaster may count on me to be on time for every meeting and hike.

I will lead my Patrol

I will remember that I am the Patrol Leader and that I am responsible for what my fellows do and how they act and I will take steps to make sure that they respect my leadership. I will plan carefully all my Patrol Meetings and the parts of the Troop Meetings for which I am responsible. I will take an active interest in all my Patrol projects and stunts and contribute my fair share of all Patrol work. I will be fair to my Assistant and train him in Patrol management to the best of my ability. I will be alert to the possibilities of all my fellows in my Patrol and will call upon them frequently to add their share to the Troop and Patrol work.

I will plan my work

I know that there is only one way to be a successful director and leader and that is to know what I am trying to accomplish and how I want it done. I will not hold a Patrol meeting without first being very sure that I know just what I want Tom and John to do in connection with the song-fest and the games the Troop is to pull at the next meeting, and how I am going to get Frank to see that he ought to pass First Aid to clear up his work on the First Class tests.

I will be generous and give credit where it is due

I know that there is nothing that helps a fellow so much as a word of encouragement and to cheer when he has done a job well. I want to be on the lookout for fellows who do more than their share of the work and let them know that I appreciate their spirit. I will not take credit for their work and when Ed has a particularly fine First Class map I will be very sure that all the fellows in the Troop get a chance to look it over and congratulate him on his work.

Tuesday 25 November 2008

WOSM- Introduction

WOSM or World Organization of the Scouting Movement
What Is it?
The world organization of the scouting movement is the international non-governmental international organization that governs the majority of NSO's or National Scout Organizations. Its headquarters are in Geneva, Switzerland and was established in 1920. It currently has approximately 28 million members, making it one of the largest youth movements in the world today. Scouting Exists in every country in the world except for 6 countries. Not all countries with scouting are recognized by this organization. There are approximately 160 countries plus 3 or 4 associate level members that are part of the world organization.

How is it Governed?
There are several different governing organizations in the World Organization of the Scouting Movement. These governing bodies include the World Scout Committee, World Scout Conference, World Scout Federation, World Scout Bureau, and finally the WOSM Secretary General. Each of these components has a different function and helps to ensure that the scouting organization prospers and serves as a communication medium for all of the different National Scout Organizations or NSO's.

What NSO's are WOSM Recognized?

  • Albania Beslidhja Skaut Albania
  • Algeria Scouts Musulmans Algériens (Algerian Muslim Scouts)
  • Angola Associação de Escuteiros de Angola (Scout Association of Angola)
  • Aregentina Scouts de Argentina (Scouts of Argentina)
  • Armena Hayastani Azgayin Scautakan Sharjum Kazmakerputiun (Armenian National Scout Movement)
  • Australia Scouts Australia
  • Austria Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen Österreichs (Scouts and Guides of Austria)
  • Azebaijan Azerbaican Skaut Assosiasiyasi (The Association of Scouts of Azerbaijan)
  • Bahamas The Scout Association of the Bahamas
  • Bahrain Boy Scouts of Bahrain
  • Bangladesh Bangladesh Scouts
  • Barbbados Barbados Boy Scouts Association
  • Belgium Guidisme et Scoutisme en Belgique/Gidsen- en Scoutsbeweging in België (Guiding and Scouting in Belgium)
  • Belize The Scout Association of Belize
  • Benin Scoutisme Béninois (Benin Scouting)
  • Bhutan Bhutan Scout Tshogpa
  • Boliva Asociación de Scouts de Bolivia (The Scout Association of Bolivia)
  • Bosina and Herzegovina The Council of Scout Associations in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Botswana The Botswana Scouts Association
  • Brazil União dos Escoteiros do Brasil (Brazilian Scouts Association)
  • Brunnei Darussalam Persekutuan Pengakap Negara Brunei Darussalam (Brunei Darussalam National Scout Association)
  • Bulgaria Organizatsia Na Bulgarskite Skauty (Organization of Bulgarian Scouts)
  • Burkina Faso Fédération Burkinabé du Scoutisme (Scout Federation of Burkina Faso)
  • Burundi Association des Scouts du Burundi (Scout Association of Burundi)
  • Cameroon Les Scouts du Cameroun/Boy Scouts of Cameroon
  • Cambodia National Association of Cambodian Scouts
  • Canada Scouts Canada, with which is affiliated Association des Scouts du Canada
  • Cape Verde Associação dos Escuteiros de Cabo Verde (Scout Association of Cape Verde)
  • Chad Fédération du Scoutisme Tchadien (Scout Federation of Chad)
  • Chile Asociación de Guias y Scouts de Chile (Guide and Scout Association of Chile)
  • China Scouts of China
  • Colombia Asociación de Scouts de Colombia (Scout Association of Colombia)
  • Comoros Wezombeli (Association Nationale du Scoutisme Comorien) (The National Scout Association of Comoros)
  • Democractic Republic of the Congo Fédération des Scouts de la République démocratique du Congo (The Scout Federation of the Democratic Republic of The Congo)
  • Costa Rica Asociación de Guias y Scouts de Costa Rica (Association Guides and Scouts of Costa Rica)
  • Côte-d'Ivoire Fédération Ivoirienne du Scoutisme(Scout Federation of Côte d'Ivoire)
  • Croatia Savez Izvidaca Hrvatske (The Scout Association of Croatia)
  • Cyprus Cyprus Scouts Association
  • Czech Republic Junák-Svaz Skautu a Skautek
  • Denmark FællesrÃ¥det for Danmarks Drengespejdere (The Danish Scout Council)
  • Dominica The Scout Association of Dominica
  • Dominican Republic Asociación de Scouts Dominicanos (Dominican Scout Association)
  • Ecuador Asociación de Scouts del Ecuador (Scout Association of Ecuador)
  • Egypt Egyptian Scout Federation
  • El Salvador Asociación de Scouts de El Salvador (Scout Association of El Salvador)
  • Estonia Eesti Skautide Ãœhing (Estonian Scout Association)
  • Ethiopia Ethiopia Scout Association
  • Fiji Fiji Scouts Association
  • Finland Suomen Partiolaiset-Finlands Scouter
  • France Scoutisme Français (French Scouting)
  • Gabon Fédération Gabonaise du Scoutisme (Scouting Federation of Gabon)
  • Gambia The Gambia Scout Association
  • Georgia sakartvelos skauturi modzraobis organizatsia (Georgian Organization of the Scout Movement)
  • Germany Ring deutscher Pfadfinderverbände (Scout Federation of Germany)
  • Ghana The Ghana Scout Association
  • Greece Soma Hellinon Proskopon (Scout Association of Greece)
  • Grenada The Scout Association of Grenada
  • Guatemala Asociación de Scouts de Guatemala (Scout Association of Guatemala)
  • Guinea National Scout Association of Guinea
  • Guyana The Scout Association of Guyana
  • Haiti Scouts d'Haïti (Scouts of Haiti)
  • Honduras Asociación de Scouts de Honduras (Scouts Association of Honduras)
  • Hong Kong The Scout Association of Hong Kong
  • Hungary Magyar Cserkészszövetség (Hungarian Scout Association)
  • Iceland Bandalag íslenskra Skáta (Icelandic Boy and Girl Scout Association)
  • India The Bharat Scouts and Guides
  • Indonesia Gerakan Pramuka (Boy Scouts and Girl Guides Movement)
  • Ireland Scouting Ireland
  • Israel Hitachdut Hatsofim Ve Hatsofot Be Israel (Israel Boy and Girl Scouts Federation)
  • Italy Federazione Italiana dello Scautismo (Italian Scout Federation)
  • Jamaica The Scout Association of Jamaica
  • Japan Scout Association of Japan
  • Jordan Jordanian Association for Boy Scouts and Girl Guides
  • Kazakhstan Organization of the Scout Movement of Kazakhstan
  • Kenya The Kenya Scouts Association
  • Kirbati Kiribati Scout Association
  • Republic of Korea Boy Scouts of Korea
  • Kuwait Kuwait Boy Scouts Association
  • Latvia Latvijas Skautu un Gaidu Centrala Organizacija (The Scout and Guide Central Organization of Latvia)
  • Lebanon Fédération du Scoutisme Libanais (Lebanese Scout Federation)
  • Lesotho Lesotho Scouts Association
  • Liberia Boy Scouts of Liberia
  • Lybyan Arab Jamahiriya Public Scout and Girl Guide Movement
  • Liechtenstein Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen Liechtensteins (Scouts and Guides of Liechtenstein)
  • Lithuania Lietuvos Skautija (Lithuanian Scouting)
  • Luxembourg Luxembourg Boy Scouts Association
  • The Former yugoslave Republic of Macedonia Sojuz na Izvidnici na Makedonija (The Scout Association of The former Yugoslave Republic of Macedonia)
  • Madagascar Firaisan'ny Skotisma eto Madagasikara (Scout Federation of Madagascar)
  • Malwi Scout Association of Malawi
  • Malaysia Persekutuan Pengakap Malaysia (The Scouts Association of Malaysia)
  • Maldives The Scout Association of Maldives
  • Malta The Scout Association of Malta
  • Mauritania Association des Scouts et Guides de Mauritanie (The Scout and Guide Association of Mauritania)
  • Mauritius The Mauritius Scout Association
  • Mexico Asociación de Scouts de México, A.C. (Scout Association of Mexico)
  • Republic of Moldova Organizatia Nationala A Scoutilor Din Moldova (The National Scout Organization of Moldova)
  • Monaco Association des Guides et Scouts de Monaco (Association of Scouts and Guides of Monaco)
  • Mongolia Mongoliyn Skautiyn Holboo (The Scout Association of Mongolia)
  • Montenegro Association of Scouts of Montenegro
  • Morocco Fédération Nationale du Scoutisme Marocain (National Federation of Moroccan Scouting)
  • Mozambique Liga dos Escuteiros de Moçambique (League of Scouts of Mozambique)
  • Namibia Scouts of Namibia
  • Nepal Nepal Scouts
  • Netherlands Scouting Nederland (Netherlands Scouting)
  • New Zealand Scouting New Zealand
  • Nicaragua Asociación de Scouts de Nicaragua (Scout Association of Nicaragua)
  • Niger Association des Scouts du Niger (Scouts Association of Niger)
  • Nigeria Boy Scouts of Nigeria
  • Norway Speidernes Fellesorganisasjon (The Guides and Scouts of Norway)
  • Oman The National Organisation for Scouts & Guides
  • Pakistan Pakistan Boy Scouts Association
  • Palestinian Authority Palestinian Scout Association
  • Panama Asociación Nacional de Scouts de Panamá (National Scout Association of Panama)
  • Papua New Guinea The Scout Association of Papua New Guinea
  • Paraguay Asociación de Scouts del Paraguay (Scouts Association of Paraguay)
  • Peru Asociación de Scouts del Perú (Scout Association of Peru)
  • Philippines Boy Scouts of the Philippines
  • Poland Zwiazek Harcerstwa Polskiego The Polish Scouting and Guiding Association
  • Portugal Federação Escutista de Portugal(Scout Federation of Portugal)
  • Qatar Qatar Boy Scouts Association
  • Romania Cercetasii României (The National Scout Organization of Romania)
  • Russian Federation Russian Association of Scouts/Navigators
  • Rwanda Association des Scouts du Rwanda (Scout Association of Rwanda)
  • San Marino Associazione Guide e Esploratori Cattolici Sammarinesi (The Catholic Guide and Scout Association of San Marino)
  • Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabian Boy Scouts Association
  • Senegal Confédération Sénégalaise du Scoutisme (Senegalese Scout Confederation)
  • Serbia Scout Association of Serbia
  • Seychelles The Scout Association of Seychelles
  • Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Scouts Association
  • Singapore The Singapore Scout Association
  • Solvakia Slovensky skauting (Slovak Scouting)
  • Solvenia Zveza tabornikov Slovenije (Scout Association of Slovenia)
  • South Africa South African Scout Association
  • Spain Federación de Escultismo en España (Scouting Federation in Spain)
  • Srilanka Sri Lanka Scout Association
  • Saint Lucia The Saint Lucia Scout Association
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines The Scout Association of Saint Vincent & The Grenadines
  • Sudan Sudan Boy Scouts Association
  • Sriname Boy Scouts van Suriname (Boy Scouts of Suriname)
  • Swaziland Emavulandlela Swaziland Scout Association
  • Sweden Svenska ScoutrÃ¥de (The Swedish Guide and Scout Council)
  • Switzerland Swiss Guide and Scout Movement
  • Syrian Arab Republic Scouts of Syria
  • Tajikistan Ittihodi Scouthoi Tochikiston / Associatsia Skautov Tadjikistana (Scout Association of Tajikistan)
  • Tanzania Tanzania Scouts Association
  • Thailand The National Scout Organization of Thailand
  • Togo Association Scoute du Togo(Scout Association of Togo)
  • Trinidad and Tobago The Scout Association of Trinidad & Tobago
  • Tunisia Les Scouts Tunisiens(The Scouts of Tunisia)
  • Turkey Turkiye Izcilik Federasyonu(Scouting and Guiding Federation of Turkey)
  • Urganda The Uganda Scouts Association
  • Ukraine National Organization of Scouts of Ukraine
  • United Arab Emirates Emirates Scout Association
  • United Kingdom The Scout Association
  • United States Boy Scouts of America
  • Uruguay Movimiento Scout del Uruguay(Scout Association of Uruguay)
  • Venezuela Asociación de Scouts de Venezuela (Scout Association of Venezuela)
  • Yemen Yemen Scout Association
  • Zambia Zambia Scouts Association
  • Zimbabwe The Scout Association of Zimbabwe
Which Are Associate Level WOSM NSO's?
  • French Polyensia French Polyensia
  • Netherlands Antilles Netherlands Antilles
  • Macau Scouts of Macau
Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616

Sunday 23 November 2008

As the Wind Blew

As we repeat the Scout Oath each week at our meetings and try every day to live the values and promises it contains, sometimes it is worth putting it in perspective and coming to a better understanding of what we promise when we say those words that begin with ON MY HONOR.

To keep myself Physically strong, Mentally awake, and Morally straight.

The last part of the Scout Oath, the part in which we make three promises to ourselves. Those final promises that shape character and set direction in our lives. That last part of the Oath that keeps us Prepared... for anything.

A friend of mine sent me this short story. I do not know who the original author is, but it is worth the read, I modified it at the end to maintain relevance in a Scouting setting.

Years ago, a farmer owned land along the Atlantic seacoast. He constantly advertised for hired hands. Most people were reluctant to work on farms along the Atlantic. They dreaded the awful storms that raged across the sea, wreaking havoc on the buildings and crops. As the farmer interviewed applicants for the job, he received a steady stream of refusals.
Finally, a short, thin man, well past middle age, approached the farmer. “Are you a good farm hand?” the farmer asked him. “Well, I can sleep when the wind blows,” answered the little man.
Although puzzled by this answer, the farmer, desperate for help, hired him. The little man worked well around the farm, busy from dawn to dusk, and the farmer felt satisfied with the man’s work. Then one night the wind howled loudly in from offshore.
Jumping out of bed, the farmer grabbed a lantern and rushed next door to the hired hand’s sleeping quarters. He shook the little man and yelled, “Get Up! A storm is coming! Tie things down before they blow away!”
The little man rolled over in bed and said firmly, “No sir, I told you, I can sleep when the wind blows.”
Enraged by the response, the farmer was tempted to fire him on the spot. Instead, he hurried outside to prepare for the storm. To his amazement, he discovered that all of the haystacks had been covered with tarpaulins. The cows were in the barn, the chickens were in the coops, and the doors were barred. The shutters were tightly secured.
Everything was tied down.
Nothing could blow away. The farmer then understood what his hired hand meant,
so he returned to his bed to also sleep while the wind blew.


When you’re prepared, spiritually, mentally, and physically, you have nothing to fear. Can you sleep when the wind blows through your life?The hired hand in the story was able to sleep because he had secured the farm against the storm. We secure ourselves against the storms of life by grounding ourselves in the in the Scout Oath and Law. The Scout Oath and Law grounds us against every storm. It ensures that we are Trustworthy and Loyal, like the farmer in the story. Brave, so we can sleep while the winds blow, standing up to that which challenges us. And Reverent. We know that when we ground our selves in a belief in God, or a higher power that we know and love, that we will ultimately be alright. We know that we have a protector in our Savior and that by maintaining our faith in him, he will take care of us. I love in the story that it speaks to BEING PREPARED. Baden Powell challenged us to BE PREPARED for anything. It is our motto. We prepare for the storms in our life by living the Oath and Law.

What a great story that sums up our promise, OUR HONOR.

Borrowed from The Scoutmaster Minute by Jerry S.

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616

Friday 21 November 2008

A Tribute to Little Sioux Ranch
For those of you that may not be aware on June 11, 2008 a group of Boy Scout Youth Leaders from various Troops in the Mid America Council were attending a leadership camp called Pahuk Pride Leadership Camp where a tornado ripped through the camp. The tornado claimed the lives of 4 young men who were attending the camp and injured 48 other scouts. The damaged that occurred affected the following buildings:
  • Administration Building
  • All four latrines in the North Valley
  • East Cabin
  • North Cabin
  • MidAmerican Energy Pavilion
  • One Latrine in the Main Valley
  • Poot's Stage
  • Ranger Home
  • Roads
  • Trails
Obiviously this was devestating not only to the families who lost loved ones but to everyone at the camp and the whole scouting community. The local Scouting and World Scouting Communities have offered support that could not be found in any other organization in the world. Help us to remember those lost help with the healing process by sharing your prayers and words of comfort to those involved in this tragedy. Please feel free to visit the following site:

If anyone has any concerns or corrections to this post please send me those comments by replying to the post. Please remember that I have no direct connections to this event but wanted to post the information so it can be shared with more of the scouting community.

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616

Thursday 20 November 2008

National Scout Jamboree Bulletins

September 2008 Bulletin- Registration

Things are really picking up for our 100th Anniversary Jamboree. Approximately 45,000 Scouts, leaders, and staff from all 50 states, territories, and some foreign countries will have the opportunity to live, work, and play together in an atmosphere of Scouting fellowship at the 2010 National Scout Jamboree, July 26–Aug. 4, 2010. Council contingents will arrive on Monday, July 26, 2010, and will depart on Wednesday, Aug. 4. The setting for the jamboree is Fort A.P. Hill, near Bowling Green, Va. This is a historic area near Washington, D.C. Other nearby cities are Williamsburg, Yorktown, Jamestown, Richmond, and Fredericksburg, Va.

Information and registration instructions are on the jamboree Web site, There is a lot of information on the Web site, including Scout and leader qualifications, how to sign up, a promotional video, a map of the jamboree, and our famous jamboree countdown clock!

Online registrations now number more than 12,000, including staff and leaders. More than 6,000 youth participants have applied and have been approved by local councils. Registration issues have been resolved with the approval process running smoothly.

The biggest issue with the jamboree application process is the way the MyScouting accounts are being created. As it states on the log-in page of MyScouting, all jamboree applications must be submitted from the account of a parent or guardian. (MyScouting accounts can be created by parents/guardians even if they are not registered with the BSA.) Some accounts are mistakenly being created with the youth’s BSA member ID number in the profile. This will result in an “invalid member ID number” error.
Contact your local council for contingent information, travel plans, and fees. If you are interested in serving as one of the 8,100 staff members, go to and create an account (if you don’t already have one) and follow the registration procedures listed below.
Adults (volunteers) registering to serve on staff: Download Instructions

November 2008 Bulletin- Jamboree Tours

Most council contingents take time to visit areas close to Fort A.P. Hill when attending national Scout jamborees. Popular visiting sites have been Washington, D.C.; New York City; Williamsburg, Va. to visit the Jamestown Settlement; and various Revolutionary and Civil War battlefields. The United States Military Academy at West Point and the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis are also popular sites.

In the Transportation and Tour Guide available to councils on MyBSA, there are many details on contingent visits, including address and contact information for Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, Virginia, New York, Maryland, and other convention and visitor bureaus as well as the Federal Tourist Center at Independence National Historical Park. In the guide, there is also information about inexpensive overnight accommodations at military instillations and colleges and universities. To access the guide, log into MyBSA, go to Resources> Jamboree Division> Transportation & Tour Guide 2010. This guide will help a great deal in developing your tour.

Most councils have already planned and budgeted several days to make these visits, but perhaps have not fully planned their itineraries. Often, this is the only opportunity many of the Scouts will have to visit the United States Capitol and their congressman’s and/or senator’s office. Many members of Congress like to meet Scouts and their leaders, and will often arrange tours of the Capitol.

The White House is always a popular visit. Public tours of the White House are available for groups of 10 or more people. Requests must be submitted through one's congressional representative and are accepted up to six months in advance. These self-guided tours are available from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday (excluding federal holidays), and are scheduled on a first come, first served basis approximately one month in advance of the requested date. We encourage you to submit your request as early as possible since a limited number of tours are available. All White House tours are free of charge. For the most current tour information, call the 24-hour line at 202-456-7041. Please note that White House tours may be subject to last-minute cancellation.

A great resource to help plan your Washington, D.C., visit is the U.S. House of Representatives Web site. It contains useful information and links to popular tourist sites in the city. Click Here.

Other Web sites that may help in planning for the 2010 National Scout Jamboree are:
United States Military Academy at West Point: Click Here.
United States Naval Academy: Click Here.
Williamsburg, Virginia: Click Here.
The official tourism site for Washington, DC: Click Here.

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616

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